Finden Sie schnell sockelleisten holz weiß für Ihr Unternehmen: 355 Ergebnisse

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehende Lamellen SWP 1 Leimholzplatten sind einlagige Massivholzplatten, deren Holzleisten über die Schmalseiten verleimt werden. Die Leimholzplatte zeichnet sich durch ihre hohe Festigkeit in Faserrichtung aus. Artikelnummer: P41947 Gewicht: 75.152 kg Lagen: 1
Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehende Lamellen SWP 1 Leimholzplatten sind einlagige Massivholzplatten, deren Holzleisten über die Schmalseiten verleimt werden. Die Leimholzplatte zeichnet sich durch ihre hohe Festigkeit in Faserrichtung aus. Artikelnummer: P0032099 Gewicht: 57.2572 kg Lagen: 1
Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehende Lamellen, SWP 1 Leimholzplatten sind einlagige Massivholzplatten, deren Holzleisten über die Schmalseiten verleimt werden. Die Leimholzplatte zeichnet sich durch ihre hohe Festigkeit in Faserrichtung aus. Artikelnummer: P0006943 Gewicht: 30.73 kg Lagen: 1
Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehende Lamellen SWP 1 Leimholzplatten sind einlagige Massivholzplatten, deren Holzleisten über die Schmalseiten verleimt werden. Die Leimholzplatte zeichnet sich durch ihre hohe Festigkeit in Faserrichtung aus. Artikelnummer: P91950 Gewicht: 92.232 kg Lagen: 1
Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehend

Leimholzplatte Eiche A/B durchgehende Lamellen, SWP 1 Leimholzplatten sind einlagige Massivholzplatten, deren Holzleisten über die Schmalseiten verleimt werden. Die Leimholzplatte zeichnet sich durch ihre hohe Festigkeit in Faserrichtung aus. Artikelnummer: P22559 Gewicht: 32.76 kg Lagen: 1
Holzpellets für Fellbach, Lorch, Waiblingen, Remshalden, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Essingen.

Holzpellets für Fellbach, Lorch, Waiblingen, Remshalden, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Essingen.

Wir liefern Holzpellets nach Fellbach und Umgebung. Schnell, preisgünstig und zuverlässig. Bestellen Sie jetzt beim führenden, unabhängigen Unternehmen der Branche. Unsere Holzpellets sind ideal für Pellet-Öfen und bieten eine umweltfreundliche Heizalternative. Profitieren Sie von unserer Erfahrung und unserem guten Service, um Ihre Heizkosten zu senken.
Holzpellets für Biberach an der Riß  und Umgebung

Holzpellets für Biberach an der Riß und Umgebung

Wir liefern Holzpellets an Haushalte in Biberach an der Riß - preiswert, sauber, schnell und zuverlässig! Unsere Holzpellets sind ideal für Pellet-Öfen und bieten eine umweltfreundliche Heizalternative. Bestellen Sie jetzt bei uns und profitieren Sie von unserem guten Service.
Edelstahl Sieb 8 cm / Räuchersieb / für Weihrauch

Edelstahl Sieb 8 cm / Räuchersieb / für Weihrauch

Sieb lose 8 cm Durchmesser, Material Edelstahl - zum Räuchern, Räuchersieb, für Weihrauch und Räuchermischungen, verschiedene Durchmesser verfügbar Sieb, Edelstahlsieb, Räuchersieb, für Weihrauch und Räuchermischungen, Devotionalien Artikelnummer: 10/120 Größe: 8 cm Durchmesser
Rauchgefäß/Räucherpfanne verziert mit Holzgriff und Deckel

Rauchgefäß/Räucherpfanne verziert mit Holzgriff und Deckel

Rauchgefäß/Räucherpfanne aus Messing vernickelt mit abnehmbaren Deckel und Holzgriff, kunstvoll verziert mit orientalischen Mustern, zum Räuchern mit Weihrauch Artikelnummer: 10/170 Maße: 24x11cm
Fidus Light 1208-WA-OD-9F nestbare Exportpalette

Fidus Light 1208-WA-OD-9F nestbare Exportpalette

Nestbare Leichtpalette mit hoher Traglast. Ideal im Export als Alternative zu ISPM-Holzpaletten Preisgünstige Recyclingpalette mit hoher Traglast bei geringem Tara. Daher ideal im Export. 4-seitig unterfahrbar. Auch als Fidus Light 1208-WA-CD-9F mit geschlossenem Deck erhältlich Größe: 1200x800 mm Höhe: 140 mm Gewicht: 5,8 KG Traglast statisch: 2000 KG Traglast dynamisch: 1000 KG
Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen/Duftlampe aus Speckstein

Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen/Duftlampe aus Speckstein

Speckstein Rauchgefäß / Räucherstövchen / Duftlampe mit Edelstahl Sieb+Metall-Schale, Motiv Ranken, Farbe: rot/pink und grau, Abmessungen: Sieb Ø 6 cm, 7,5 x 10 cm Rauchgefäß, Räucherstövchen, Speckstein, mit Edelstahlsieb zum Räuchern und Metall-Schale für Duftöl, Ätherisches Öl, Devotionalien Artikelnummer: 10/720 Größe: Sieb Ø 6 cm, 7,5x10 cm
BIO-Räuchermischung "Glückliche Momente"

BIO-Räuchermischung "Glückliche Momente"

BIO-Räuchermischung "Glückliche Momente" mit BIO Hanfsamen u. BIO Koriander Räuchermischung, Weihrauchmischung, BIO, Weihrauch, Glück, Glückliche Momente, Devotionalien Artikelnummer: 10/646
Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen aus Speckstein

Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen aus Speckstein

Speckstein Rauchgefäß / Räucherstövchen mit Edelstahl Sieb, Farbe grau mit Regenbogenfarben, Abmessungen: 9x8 cm, Sieb 8 cm Durchmesser Rauchgefäß, Räucherstövchen, Speckstein, mit Edelstahlsieb, Devotionalien Artikelnummer: 10/492 Größe: 9x8 cm
Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen aus Speckstein

Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen aus Speckstein

Rauchgefäß aus Speckstein mit Sieb aus Edelstahl, kunstvolles Relief-Motiv einer Sonne, Farbe beige meliert, Maße 9,5x10cm, Sieb 8 cm Durchm., Speckstein ist ein Naturmaterial, kann farblich variieren Rauchgefäß, Räucherstövchen, Speckstein, mit Edelstahlsieb zum Räuchern mit Weihrauch Artikelnummer: 10/437 Maße: 9,5x10cm
Holzpellets für Calw  und Umgebung

Holzpellets für Calw und Umgebung

Wir liefern Holzpellets nach Calw! Sauber, schnell, zuverlässig und zu einem guten Preis. Unsere Holzpellets sind ideal für Pellet-Öfen und bieten eine umweltfreundliche Heizalternative. Bestellen Sie jetzt bei uns und profitieren Sie von unserem guten Service.
Kohlenzange Nickel, Hand/Räucherzange

Kohlenzange Nickel, Hand/Räucherzange

Kohlenzange Nickel, Hand, Abmessung 15 cm, Räucherzange, Zange für Räucherkohle Kohlenzange, Räucherzange, Zange für Räucherkohle, Räuchern, Devotionalien Artikelnummer: 10/157 Größe: 15 cm
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x15mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D5 siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x2mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x2mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x5mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D25x5mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D100-50x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D30x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 40x18x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x1mm siliver: silver